If we asked you to name all the different parts of a roof, which one would you say first? There’s a good chance you would start by talking about the shingles that are found on most residential roofs.
These shingles are the most obvious roof parts because they’re the ones you see when you look up at your roof. But you could make the argument that they’re some of the least important roof parts when it comes to protecting your home. While these shingles do improve your home’s curb appeal and help protect everything underneath them, they’re only the outermost layer of most roofing systems.
So, what are some of the other home roofing parts that are important? And what role do each of them play in the overall well-being of your roof?
It’s time to get informed before you start your next roofing project.
Keep reading to learn about eight fundamental roof parts every homeowner should know.
1. Truss
All of the different roof parts that we’re about to touch on wouldn’t be able to do their jobs if not for the truss. The truss is a system that’s specifically designed to provide your roof with the support it needs.
More often than not, a roof’s truss will consist of many different pieces like rafters and joists. They’ll be put together when the roof on a home is first built to provide this roof with structure.
The longevity of roofing systems will depend heavily on the roof trusses they rest on. It’s why it’s very important for roof trusses to be strong and durable. They also need to be installed properly by a roofing company to ensure they stand the test of time.
2. Decking
While a roof’s truss will provide it with structure, it’s the deck of a roof that will set it up with a foundation. Roof decking will sit on the lowest level of a roof and serve as a barrier between the outer layers of a roof and the interior of a home.
Most of the time, decking will be made out of 1/2-inch plywood. If rainwater happens to work its way down to this level of a roof, the decking should be strong enough to stop it from getting inside a home with ease.
3. Underlayment
In the event that rainwater is able to get down to your roof’s decking, the one issue you might have is that the decking could start to rot before long. This water will get trapped in your roofing system, and it could potentially cause serious problems, including roof leaks, if you’re not careful.
For this reason, roof decking will need to have what’s called underlayment on top of it. This will be a waterproofing material that will stop rainwater from being able to come into direct contact with your roof decking. It’s typically constructed out of fiberglass, felt, rubber, and more.
As an added bonus, a roof’s underlayment will also provide you with cushioning if you’re ever climbing around on your roof. It’ll make walking on your roof more comfortable for you and prevent you from doing any unnecessary damage to your decking.
4. Vents
Your home needs to “breathe” at times, and your roof will allow it to happen. There will be a series of vents that’ll come up through your home’s roof to provide it with the proper ventilation.
Plumbing vents and ridge vents are two of the most common types of vents found on roofs. There are also soffit vents and gable vents that’ll make it possible for you to keep the air in your home’s attic circulating so that it doesn’t sit stagnant for years on end.
5. Ridge
The ridge of your roof is located at the very top of it. It’s made out of either wood or metal in most cases, and it helps connect all of the individual rafters that give your roof its triangular shape.
As we just alluded to, there are ridge vents that are added to some roofs. Ridge vents are placed at the top of a roof and are designed to help warm air from your attic to escape from it.
6. Soffits
If you have a flat roof on your home, it might not hang over the edge of your house. But if you have one of the other types of roofing systems, you’re usually going to have at least a portion of your roof that’ll create an overhang.
Soffits are situated under this overhang, and they’re in place to make the exterior of your home look nicer and help insulate your home. They’re also responsible for concealing the frame of your roof so that it’s able to last longer than it might otherwise.
7. Fascia
Fascia boards are situated all along the edges of your roof, and similar to soffits, they’re going to make your house look better on the outside than it would without them. But these fascia boards will do more than just provide your home’s curb appeal with a boost.
They’ll also connect the walls of your house with the roof and provide you with a place to hang your home’s gutters. They are sometimes susceptible to rotting and may need to be replaced from time to time for the sake of your roof, your gutters, and your home as a whole.
8. Flashing
There will be joints and seams situated throughout most roofing styles that’ll need to be dealt with accordingly to prevent roof leaks. They will be located around chimneys, vents, skylights, and even just valleys in your roof.
To stop rainwater from sneaking down into these joints and seams, you’ll need to have flashing installed. Flashing will play a huge part in preventing water from wreaking havoc on your roof.
You might need to replace any flashing that has gone bad every so often. It’ll be the only surefire way to protect the joints and seams in your roof.
These Are Just Some Roof Parts That Make Up Roofing Systems
As you can see, there isn’t any shortage of roof parts in roofing systems. If you get the chance to look at a roof diagram, you’ll be blown away by just how many parts of a roof there are since the ones listed here are only some of the major roof parts.
If you’re going to have a new roof put on your home, Kraft Roofing and Construction can make sure all the right roof parts are used. It’ll make your roof strong and sturdy for the foreseeable future.
Contact us to take advantage of our roof services.